Review: The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater


Every year, Blue stands with her psychic mother to see those who will be dead within the year. For the first time, Blue sees the face of Gansey, a “Raven Boy” who attends the private school in their town. As Blue finds her paths constantly crossing Gansey’s, she finds herself mixed up in his world with his friends and their search for a lost king. As her journey continues with these boys, Blue’s struggles with the life-long knowledge that she’ll cause her true love’s death. She struggles to remember who she was and who she is becoming.

Maggie Stiefvater writes a magical story of a group of kids on a search for something beyond the physical world. It’s a lovable book because of the magical setting as well as the charismatic, unique characters. While the first book, The Raven Boys, mostly introduces the plot of the series, the following books (The Dream ThievesBlue Lily, Lily Blue, and The Raven King) deal with more fantastical elements.

This novel shines a light on strong, independent lead female characters as well as the power of platonic relationships rather than romantic connections. While all characters interweave beautifully, one gains a particular affinity for each character, As the series progresses, readers see a new side of each of them.

Having been called Dead Poets Society meets Fast and Furious meets Charmed, these works are set to be a TV show in the near future. The Raven Boys is certainly an enjoyable book, and an accessible entry point into Maggie Stiefvater’s Raven Cycle Series.