These Four “Healthy” Products Are Actually Quite Unhealthy


As physical appearance and personal wellness have become more important to society, the demand for gadgets that help with weight loss, beauty, hydration, and other things has increased. Due to this demand, companies such as Gatorade and FitBit have been created. Some products are well tested and liked, others are marketed better than they actually perform. The following is a list of  “healthy” gadgets that you should be cautious about.

  • FitBit

Research shows that fitness trackers can negatively impact mental health. Consumers may become obsessed with recording their movements. This could create an unhealthy body image and even contribute to the development of an eating disorder.

  • Gatorade/Powerade

Gatorade and Powerade advertise that their drink is perfect for after a workout. They say that the nutrients in the drink can make up for all the sweat produced during physical activity. However, you are probably better off just bringing a water bottle. The amount of sugar (34 grams*) in this drink far outweighs any of the vitamins (25% B6, 25% Niacin,  25% B12*)  promised.

*According to Powerade “Mountain Berry Blast” Label

  • Juice Cleanses

A juice cleanse is a form of diet that requires only drinking juice for a certain number of days. It is a significant source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. However, solely drinking juice can cause nutritional deficiencies. Also, to add, unpasteurized juice may contain harmful bacteria that cause infections.

  • Splenda

Splenda is advertised as a a zero calorie sweetener and sugar substitute. It is a great option for people with diabetes. However, it does not do much good otherwise. What Splenda lacks in sugar, it makes up for in chemicals.

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