Holy Family Blood Drive

Holy Family’s student council holds an annual blood drive with The American Red Cross. The American Red Cross is a non-profit humanitarian organization that provides emergency assistance and disaster relief. The blood donated to the American Red Cross is brought to hospitals around the country and used when a transfusion is necessary for a patient. By donating blood, you are helping save lives and it’s really easy to do.

The blood drive will be held on Wednesday, February 19th at Holy Family. In order to donate, you must be at least 16 years old. If you are 16, you have to have a permission form signed by your parents or guardians. If you are 17 or older you don’t need this form signed, but everyone donating must have a form of ID on the day of donation. There are 51 slots open throughout the day, and student council’s goal is to donate 37 pints of blood from the whole day. If for any reason you aren’t eligible to donate your blood, you can help volunteer with student council throughout the day doing various tasks, such as handing out snacks or checking people in.

For more specific requirements on donation eligibility, you can visit this link to the American Red Cross website:
