How Does Blue Light Effect You?

Blue light is a ray of visible light with a short wavelength, but a lot of energy. Blue light is most commonly known to come from our electronics, and now that we use them daily for online school we are exposed to these rays more often them usual. Here I will tell you some of the dangers of it and what you can do to help prevent too much exposure.
Blue light is everywhere, so there is no avoiding it. Sunlight is one of the main sources of blue light and when we are outside it is when we get the most exposure to it. But, very long exposure to man-made indoor blue light sources such as led lights, television, and computers can have an effect on us. Electronics themselves do not emit as much blue light as the sun does but because we are doing online school and not able to go anywhere, we are at a very high exposure to it. Eyes are very good at blocking out UV radiation from the sun, but pretty much all blue light goes straight through the cornea and lens and reaches the retina. Because of this, our eyes can get strained easily because of how hard our eyes concentrate on the screen.
Blue light is not entirely bad, and it is proven that we still need it to survive. When we wake up in the morning blue light is very important in regulating circadian rhythm, which is the body’s way of waking up naturally to sunlight. Being exposed to the blue light at night can disrupt that cycle, but there is something to prevent that. Just like sunglasses that prevent UV rays, there are glasses to prevent blue light from entering our eyes.
Blue light is not something to stress a lot over, but make sure to be taking breaks about every hour to make sure your eyes do not start to strain. The glasses can help, but you still need to make sure that you try and avoid as much blue light at night. Make sure you are giving your eyes a break and stay safe!