Masterminds of China

Tik Tok, a worldwide used app, was created by a thirty-five year old man by the name of Zhang Yiming, who lives in China. With an app worth over sixteen billion dollars, Zhang is recorded to be the 13th richest person in China. With 800 million active users monthly, the app has achieved great success.
The latest hits and sounds available on Tok Tok have attracted all age groups, including several celebrities like Jason Derulo and Kylie Jenner. Bringing out the creative side of its users, Tok Tok has inspired its users to think outside the ordinary and create something of their own. With a wide variety of forms of entertainment, Tok Tok has advanced their technology to provide custom videos on one’s page, based off of their user preferences and previously liked videos. With several connects, including Instagram and Snapchat, Tok Tok has received its well deserved attention and will hopefully continue to grow, as more people create invent and step outside of the ordinary.