Day 51 America in Shutdown

It’s day 51, America in shutdown. It’s easy to look at all of the missed opportunities, as they are far reaching. I, for example, have missed the end of my senior year. This is supposed to be the best part of the high school experience, but instead, I’m quarantined in my home, trudging through online school. But we must look at the bright side of things. There is always a bright side.

First, family time. This is a very unusual time for families, spending more time together than ever before. We are playing cards, having weekly zoom sessions with extended family, enjoying several home-cooked meals together, and getting creative with our down time. This may never happen again in our lifetime, so we must really look at this as a gift for our families.

Second, appreciation. This is a great time to really take a look at what we have been given and truly appreciate it. We are fortunate enough to have the resources to be able to continue our school year online. We have the capability to meet with our teachers and classmates virtually, which is quite amazing. We are even able to keep up with our daily convocations! This is truly a remarkable time in history.

Finally, let’s all hope to emerge from this most unusual time as better human beings. Certainly we have all learned something and can take it with us as we go about our lives. I, for one, will not take for granted the freedom of going to a movie, or going out to dinner or for ice cream. Even the little things, which at one time seemed somewhat insignificant, should be valued and seen more as a gift.

So let’s look back at these 51 days and focus on the good. Life will always present challenges, but it’s all how we look at it. I urge you all to discover how this time has changed you for the better.