Half-Bloods taking over Disney+

On May 14 the best selling author, Rick Riordan, dropped a bomb on the Percy Jackson fandom; Disney+ will be releasing a live action TV series of the famous Percy Jackson books. Now, I don’t know about you, but when I found out, I just about lost my mind. I was so thrilled, I called and texted my friends and they geeked out with me. My friends and I are what people call Half-Bloods, fans of the Percy Jackson series. In middle school, I was the biggest Percy Jackson fan. Being in high school and reread the books again makes me nostalgic about reading them for the first time.
The movies that were based on the first two books of the series, “The Lightning Thief” and “The Sea of Monsters”, did not live up to the expectations of the fans. They were great movies, but they were nothing like the books they were be based on. I think that some of my fellow Half-Bloods will be crossing their fingers that the series will stick closely with the books. I also have a good feeling that they will due to the fact that Rick Riordan tweeted that he and his wife, Becky, “will be involved in every aspect of the show.” This is a great relief to all of the fans because we will be able to see our childhood heroes and heroins go through the challenges and victories on the TV screen. During the filming of the movies, Rick was not present, I hope that with both Rick and Becky being on set and being involved in the making of the series it will be true to the books. The date for the airing of the show was not released but when it is, I will be the first one to write about it for the Phoenix.
Half-Bloods, it is finally our chance to be able to see our favorite books come to life, so, grab your pens and Camp Half-Blood shirts, because its our time.