Rediscovery of Rare Bee!

Rediscovery of Rare Bee!

As of last week, an amazing discovery was made in Florida. A bee thought to have been extinct has resurfaced once again in Florida. The Blue Calamintha bee was discovered in the same habitat as a rare wildflower that only blooms in certain environments.  The scientist who discovered this bee has made the assumption that: “The flower that hosts the bee is restricted to a few of these isolated scrub pockets, predominantly along the ridge, Kimmel says, meaning the bee has probably always been restricted to a small area” (Kendall). The non-profit NatureServe has already declared this species of bee “critically impaired” and is working to provide legal protection. 


Information such as this is important during these difficult times as it is a reminder that there is so much to this amazing planet. There is so much to discover, rather than overlook. It proves that nature will find a way to repair itself and revive. 
