Soccer Season in Review with Kenzie Pavelka

Holy Family’s Kenzie Pavelka ‘22 (8) during a section 2A quarterfinal matchup against Mankato West. Katherine Wise- The Phoenix.

The girls soccer season came to an end on October 13 after their section game against Cannon Falls. I sat down with varsity player Kenzie Pavelka to learn more about how the season went this year.


Q: What was your favorite moment from this season and why? 

A: “My favorite moment was when we beat Watertown. We were all super excited and happy, because we really played like a team and left everything we had on the field.” 


Q: What’s your favorite thing about your team? 

A: “My favorite thing about my team is how we encourage each other when things get tough and that it really feels like a family.” 


Q: What are the worst and best parts of soccer? 

A: “The worst part of soccer is feeling down after a tough game or loss. My favorite thing about soccer is meeting all the new players and seeing my teammates every day.”


Q: What is your ultimate goal for soccer? 

A: “My ultimate goal is for our team to go to the State tournament!”


Q: What was one thing your team did really well this year?

A: “One thing we did really well this season was playing as a as a team and being inclusive.”


Q: What was the team’s best game and why?

A: “Our best game was when we played against Watertown. We played with a fast speed of play, gave full effort, and played as a team.”