Caffeine Consumption

Considering all the studying finals take, many teens rely on caffeine to stay awake and to have energy. Caffeine is okay as long as it consumed in moderation.
The American Academy of Pediatrics says teenagers can consume up to 100 mg of caffeine per day. This would be about a cup of coffee or two cups of tea.
There are some positive effects of caffeine, such as heightened alertness and reduced headaches. If a teen regularly drinks high amounts of caffeine, they can develop some problems. This would include stained teeth, cavities, anxiety disorder, insomnia, withdrawal headaches, and raised blood pressure.
If a person has a caffeine addiction and wants to stop, they should never quit cold turkey. Stopping abruptly will result in negative withdrawal effects. Instead, slowly reduce the caffeine intake over a two week time period. Essentially, be careful with caffeine consumption and remember that moderation is key.