Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month started September 15 and lasts until October 15. We celebrate the hispanic people and their heritage through reflecting on history and food. Heritage month started as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson and was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988. It was enacted into law on August 17, 1988.
It wasn’t until 1988 that President Ronald Reagan extended the week to a full 31 days — through Oct. 15 — keeping the Sept. 15 start date because it coincides with the national independence day of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Similarly, Mexico celebrates on the 16th, Chile on the 18th, and Belize on the 21st.
The types of stories told during Hispanic Heritage Month are important and can be ultimately seen as happy. “Because the historic struggles of Chicanos, Mexican-Americans, other Latinos are happy stories … because only through those struggles have we been able to achieve more social justice in this country, more education.”
On September 14, 2021, President Biden issued a presidential proclamation: “During National Hispanic Heritage Month, we recognize that Hispanic heritage is American heritage. We see it in every aspect of our national life: on our television and movie screens, in the music that moves our feet, and in the foods we enjoy. We benefit from the many contributions of Hispanic scientists working in labs across the country to help us fight COVID-19 and the doctors and the nurses on the front lines caring for people’s health. Our Nation is represented by Hispanic diplomats who share our values in countries all over the world and are strengthened by military members and their families who serve and sacrifice for the United States. Our communities are represented by Hispanic elected officials, and our children are taught by Hispanic teachers. Our future will be shaped by Hispanic engineers who are working to develop new technology that will help us grasp our clean energy future and by the skilled union workers who are going to build it.”
It is important to remember and recognize that we are all human and although we may be different in ways it all comes down to respect for one another and appreciate the culture. If you have a chance, reach out to your Hispanic friends to educate you and respectfully learn and maybe even cook to appreciate the culture. “Viva la rasa!”