Finals Tips and Tricks 


With finals nearing in less than a week, it is important that all students are taking care of themselves. Finals can be a stressful time for everyone but your health and wellbeing is more important than any grade you get. Some helpful tips for when you feel overwhelmed are:

Taking a second to breathe

While you are working and you feel that it is getting to be too much, take a second to breathe and refocus. It might not take away the work but it will help you feel refreshed.

Talk to a friend

Your friends care about you and want you to succeed. If you feel like things are getting to be too difficult, a friend can be a great reminder of how capable you are. 

Go for a walk

The great outdoors can be very grounding for you especially during a time like this and exercise has been proven to lower stress levels! 

Make a Couple Lists with Achievable Goals 

If you think about everything you need to accomplish and all of the different topics you need to review it can be extremely overwhelming and it’s easier to procrastinate or feel frustrated. Making lists and scheduling out your time can make things a lot easier and if you feel more organized you will be more motivated to study. 

Make Sure to Get Sleep 

With finals coming up the stress can make it seem like sleep is not important but taking tests while feeling exhausted will not give you the best results, so remember to find time to relax and show up for finals well-rested. 

Eat and Drink lots of Water 

This week takes a lot out of everyone so that means that you need to fuel your body so that your brain can function properly. Water is also extremely important to combat headaches and to improve your overall health.