The student news site of Holy Family Catholic High School

The Phoenix

The student news site of Holy Family Catholic High School

The Phoenix

The student news site of Holy Family Catholic High School

The Phoenix

Jackpot! The Story of a Single Coin Changing One’s Life

Student Spotlight: Caitlin Sieve

The slot machine roars cha-ching-ching-a-ling as a shiny coin maneuvers through the rusty gears. A single coin rests with the fate to change one’s life. It will either change for the better or worse, or maybe, just surprisingly, communicate a crucial lesson to learn.

Ever since Caitlin Sieve was four-years-old, she would visit her grandparents in Chicago several times a year. Each time she arrived, she would scurry her little legs downstairs, eager to test her luck at the polished slot machine that lay in the open basement. However, Caitlin never seemed to win the jackpot. Years went by, and her whole family seemed to win except her. She spent hours dispensing quarters into the machine, never once seeing the big-black letters spelling out “jackpot.” Instead, she watched her family members take pictures with the machine after a jackpot, big smiles showcasing their victories. All Caitlin ever hoped was to finally get “three silly little bell fruits” to show her family she could do it. She had many strategies. “I kissed the coin, prayed to God, and even talked to the coin, but none of these ever seemed to work.” 

A few years later, her grandmother passes away, and her grandfather gives that same slot machine to her family. It now sits in her dark, cold basement, collecting dust as she walks by it mindlessly. However, one random Monday night, Caitlin decides to test her luck and put a coin in the machine for old-time’s sake. “The world works in funny ways,” Caitlin thinks as she watches one bell fruit… two bell fruits… three bell fruits. “JACKPOT!” she yells.”

 Everything happens for a reason; things happen when you least expect it and usually when you need something most.

 After seventeen years, why does the world decide it is time for her to get the moment she had been waiting for? Caitlin says, “Monday night was a sign. A sign that my grandparents will always be with me. A sign that I’m a lucky person. Most importantly, though, this experience has taught me that your time will come. Not everything in life will be handed to you, and not everything will happen when you want it to. You must be determined and hardworking, but above all, patient. Be patient when things aren’t working out for you. Just have patience. Trust that everything will work out for you in the best ways and at the best time.” 

A single coin provides a lesson that good things come to those who are patient. Be patient while the cake cools before frosting, wait for your garden to flourish, and deal with others with patience. The world happens strangely; just slow down, and good things will come. Be patient, and your “jackpot” will surprise you.


Have a story you want to be featured? Contact the editor, Jossy Fette at [email protected]!